Some Frag & Krak grenade props.
If you would like them in colors, I´ll suggest making
some coloured layers in PS in "overlay" mode.

Below are some ammunition props.
My players use them to keep track of their ammo situatuion.
When to buy and reload. They got tired writing and errasing
over and over, so now I(GM), have a "used ammo pool".
The way we use them, is we cut in numbers
by single, semi and full-burst,
depending on weapon type and clip size.
They simply put them on their Clip prop
(will be uploaded ASAP)
and put the ammo they´re using in the discard pile.
An easier way would be to write the given numbers
on the ammo, so a single could count for 1, 3, 6, etc.
More types of ammo will follow.

A custom built Arbitrator vehicle, now in
service of the Inquisition at the planet
Scintilla 3 in the city of Durabell.
It´s able to turn on all six wheels,
the front lights turn arccordingly,
making the driver able to see properly.
At the roof, there´s a pair of combined
searchlights/smokelaunchers and
two hatches for exit/firing.