Here's an old one I did back around '06, I just found while searching some folders.
I'm picking up where I left my terrain building 3 years ago, at a trot. One of the things that will soon be put into use, is some of these internal paperboard-like packaging thingies that wraps around whatever they're meant to protect.
I think they make a good foundation with a concrete kind of look for many of my buildings, getting some cheap height.
Not sure what the correct term is in English, but here's what I'm babbling about:
It could easily resemble a Mos Eisley sort of building with few alterations, but I'm going more for an industrial , gritty and Gothic look.
This is still a work in progress, though this terrain has been play tested. Still needs a little more modeling and a new paintjob, but I guess it gives an idea where I'm going with this.
Hope it can inspire..!
Needed to do something relaxing today, not straining my hands or concentration to much, so I gave it a go with some counters that´ll be used mainly in the future Necromunda games I'll have. Guess they could be of other uses as well.
The counters are not exactly the same and no measurements was made to ensure that they would be; just chilling with a brush. The "H" is a Hidden counter and the green quarter disc is an Overwatch counter.
Broken and Running counters will follow.
Oh, and the green/black radar thingy are Objective counters, with a number on the back.
My last post "A little update" is an astounding 3+ years old now. Thing is, I vent independent and opened a studio with me wife.
It's been a great ride and still is, but it has taken time away from so many other things that I enjoy doing,
so this blog has been in stasis ever since.
It's been a great ride and still is, but it has taken time away from so many other things that I enjoy doing,
so this blog has been in stasis ever since.
Now it's time for a revival of sorts; new design, a few new links and the new pages, just below the header.
I've put in a few things there, and I'll do my very best to continue to do so on a regular basis again.
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